Injection of a Filling

The injection of a filling enables the enlargement of the lips, the removal of wrinkles and sunken cheeks.

We apply fillings with the modern Anteis pen.


We use Juvederm, Sylage L, Teosyal, and Esthelis Restylane. These preparations have a hyaluronic acid base. The effect is temporary (6-12 months) and its use lies above all in the smoothing of wrinkles, softening of scars, improvement of the contour of the lips and vertical lip folds, for the reduction of flabby corners of the mouth, and the obtainment of fuller lips. Hyaluronic acid produces cushions beneath the skin, with which it perfectly fills wrinkles and folds. It is suitable for some wrinkles, bigger, deeper folds, and volume rejuvenation.
The doctor injects Restylane with a thin needle into the skin. This causes a slight burning feeling during application which immediately disappears. It is possible to numb the skin with cream.
The result of the treatment is immediately visible. You immediately see smooth skin and fuller lips. The skin can be a little swollen closely following treatment. The swelling gradually fades and after a day or two entirely disappears. Restylane completely imbibes the body, you will be pleased with the effect of the treatment for a period of 6 to 12 months. You can repeat treatment without problems.





Price of the treatment ranges from €145 according to the quantity of used material


If necessary, we will arrange the financing of the procedure.